Whether you’re thinking about becoming a funeral celebrant, you already are a funeral celebrant or death professional or just someone who knows you’re going to die.
Then Coffin Club has the perfect training for you.
Whether you’re thinking of becoming a funeral celebrant, are an existing celebrant or a death professional, we have the training options for you.
If you’d like to know all the choices available to you and be able to plan your perfect send off – this is the course for you.
The best way to find a celebrant in your area is to check out our directory. Read about our celebrant members to find out more….
Kate and Kate were delighted to work alongside Jamie MacDonald, Eshaan Akbar and Lee Ridley for their ITV show Evil Escapes.
Funeral celebrants are an amazing bunch of humans dedicating themselves to supporting others when they are at their lowest ebb. As a profession, we put our heart and soul into creating services that are completely person-centred and really reflect the person who has died in a meaningful way. We are aware of how important a step this is in the grieving process and don’t take our role lightly.
Whether you’re wanting to start your own celebrant business; need to understand how to promote yourself or wanting to expand your knowledge then you’ve come to the right place.
Where do I even start about the Celebrant-plus course? The knowledge that Kate and Kate have about funerals is second to none. I learned so much on the course most of which I hadn’t even considered.
Doing the Celebrant-plus course gave me so much confidence in my own ability and my stance as an independent funeral celebrant. I took my first booking recently that didn’t come through a funeral director. It was amazing.
If you throw in the fact that Kate and Kate are two of the nicest ladies you’ll ever meet, you really can’t go wrong with this course. Whether you’re just starting out or been doing it for years, seriously jump on it!!
This course gives you so much insight into the funeral industry and how you can be more proactive in your celebrancy business. Talk (and learn) about death with Kate and Kate and you’ll be inspired to work differently.