Price: £500.00
13th May 2024, Skylark Farm Weddings, Northamptonshire SOLD OUT!
We all know that one of the biggest problems we have when starting out as funeral celebrants is getting decent photos of us in action. Unlike weddings, at funerals it’s tricky to ask even the most open of families if you can whip out your phone for some quick pics, let alone making sure they’re comfortable with you sharing on social media.
The answer is to organise a styled shoot – but who wants the expense and organisational headache of hiring a photographer, sourcing a venue, buying/borrowing/hiring a coffin. Let alone the storage and transportation issues all that involves. So, let us free you from the grind whilst making sure you have a set of top-notch snaps for you social media, email campaigns, cards and fliers!
We simply cannot stress enough how useful a set of funeral photos is for any funeral celebrant business. It helps your clients picture what could be and shows evidence of what you do. Priceless!
Arrival from 9am with photoshoot starting at 10am
The Styled photoshoot payment plan is an initial payment of £200 followed monthly by 1 x £200 & 1 x £100
6 in stock