Celebrant Plus Course

Celebrant Plus Course

Are you a funeral celebrant who wants to offer more… more choice, more support & more creativity? Then this course of further professional development is for you. We teach you how to kick the funeral-director-as-gatekeeper model into touch and market directly to your community.

You’ll be able to support your clients have the send-off that is absolutely perfect for them and set your fee accordingly. Stop waiting for that phone to ring and start changing the face of funerals forever.

  • Understand the different options available for conventional and alternative funerals

  • Understand how to establish your funeral celebrant business so that you work WITH funeral directors and not FOR them

  • Understand how to offer a broader remit of support to families and signposting

  • Understand how to market yourself to get families to come to you directly – be the first port of call!

  • Address money mindset

  • Understand the value of families taking ownership

  • Become part of the funeral revolution!

Six-video-module, downloadable course, with a comprehensive accompanying handbook. Monthly live-via-Zoom tutorials and access to our closed Facebook Celebrant-plus group. On completion you get a lovely certificate, use of our celebrant-plus logo on all your marketing materials, website and social media, and a listing on our celebrant directory.

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