Kate and Kate were delighted to work alongside Jamie MacDonald, Eshaan Akbar and Lee Ridley for their ITV show Evil Escapes. The first episode was set in a rage room and the second was about funerals – can you guess which one the Kates took charge of?!
When the production company first contacted them they weren’t sure if letting a blind, hearing impaired and speechless comedians loose on their coffins was a good idea, but actually, if the finished result got people talking about death, dying and funerals, the Kates were all in.
They spent a day in September filming with Gold Wala Productions at a local venue – Manor Barn in Bexhill. Explained to the guys just how uplifting it can be to host a celebration of life in a setting that isn’t a church or crematorium and got cracking on cracking jokes whilst helping them decorate their coffins.
Eshaan went for the wicker number and used fabric of different colours to represent the flags of his cultrual heritage – Pakistan, Bangladesh and the UK – Lee went all Art Attack with stencils and spray paints and, as for Jamie, well… maybe watch the show to see how he clearly didn’t understand the assignment!
The guys definitely loved the Kate and Kate and Coffin Club approach to funerals and it certainly gave them food for thought as to how they might like to be waved off when their time comes.

Evil Escapes premiered in November 2024 and is available to watch HERE
And huge thanks to John Plumb of Award winning Ecological Coffins who provided the lovely upcycled pallet number! —